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“Garabara”立面藝術(shù)裝置,悉尼 / UAP + Robert Andrew

該項目是UAP與藝術(shù)家Robert Andrew合作為悉尼大學新建成的藝術(shù)與社會科學學院大樓設計的藝術(shù)作品。UAP針對該場地提出的策展框架是“一個靜坐與涂繪的場所:在原住民的土地上進行分享與講述”,鼓勵藝術(shù)家在知識共享、歷史和語言等領域進行更深入的探索。


建筑 藝術(shù)
花崗巖 青銅

該項目是UAP與藝術(shù)家Robert Andrew合作為悉尼大學新建成的藝術(shù)與社會科學學院大樓設計的藝術(shù)作品。UAP針對該場地提出的策展框架是“一個靜坐與涂繪的場所:在原住民的土地上進行分享與講述”,鼓勵藝術(shù)家在知識共享、歷史和語言等領域進行更深入的探索。

Curated by UAP, Robert Andrew’s site-specific artwork was created for the newly developed Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences building at the University of Sydney. To create a context for artists to investigate, UAP developed the curatorial framework, ‘A Sit Down & Paint Up Place: Sharing and Storytelling in Possum Ground on Gadigal Land’ and the ‘Wingara Mura Design Principles’ for artists to explore ideas of knowledge sharing, histories, language and recognition of elders.

▼悉尼大學藝術(shù)與社會科學學院大樓外觀,exterior view of the newly developed Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences building at the University of Sydney


▼“Garabara”被印刻在教學樓的立面上,the word “Garabara” is used as a permanent part of the building’s fa?ade

項目團隊選擇與澳大利亞藝術(shù)家Robert Andrew合作,共同完成作品的設計、制作和安裝。該作品被命名為“Garabara”,它在澳洲傳統(tǒng)文化的語境中代表著一種知識的傳遞和對歷史的講述。藝術(shù)家將這一詞匯永久性地印刻在教學樓的立面上,作為對場地以及它的校園身份的回應。為了使作品呈現(xiàn)出自然銹蝕的質(zhì)感,UAP與藝術(shù)家對材料、數(shù)字3D建模以及攝影制圖法進行了大量的研究。

Australian artist Robert Andrew was selected by the project team to work closely with UAP to design, fabricate and install the final outcome, titled Garabara. A major aspect of Indigenous culture – the word ‘Garabara’ is used in ceremony for storytelling and as a means of passing on knowledge. The artist’s use of this word as a permanent part of the building’s fa?ade responds to the site as both traditional land of the Gadigal People, and as a university – a place to reveal and share new knowledge. Created with the intent to appear naturally eroded and stained on the building’s exterior, UAP worked closely with Andrew through extensive material research, digital 3D modelling and photogrammetry — resulting in the accurate representation of eroded surfaces.

▼作品呈現(xiàn)出自然銹蝕的質(zhì)感,the work appears naturally eroded and stained on the building’s exterior
