黄色毛片三级三级三级_超碰人人在线免费亚洲_成 人影片免费观看_最爽的乱惀另类长篇

“Insolites走廊”藝術(shù)裝置群,魁北克 / EXMURO



The 5th edition of Passages Insolites (Unusual Passages), a self-guided circuit of ephemeral public artworks in inspiring locations along a breathtaking route in historic Old Quebec. Sometimes playful, sometimes introspective, always surprising, these provocative works are boldly integrated into the historic architecture for a fresh contemporary reading of the urban landscape. Passages Insolites is best experienced by charting your own course through the historic district’s winding streets. By day or night, experience how thought-provoking art transforms its surroundings, adding a touch of whimsy and sparking poetic, socially engaged dialogue. The walking circuit offers a singular, inclusive and accessible experience and an unusually intimate glimpse of the work of some of Canada’s leading artists and architecture collectives.


“后-后現(xiàn)代主義”柱群 / LEGAGA(魁北克)

The Pillars of Post-Postmodernism by LEGAGA


What is the difference between sewer pipes, sculptures, and gardens? In a post-postmodern society, there isn’t any. Don’t be fooled by its colourful, playful appearance—this installation asks serious questions: What makes beauty beautiful, and ugliness ugly? How can we use ugliness to make beauty? The Pillars of Post-Postmodernism confront these ideas and invites you to imagine a completely different kind of city, one where engineers make art, architects are in charge of engineering, and architecture is left to the artists.  (LEGAGA’s installation is the winner of the 2018 Passages Insolites competition held in conjunction with the Université Laval architecture students’ association).

云雀 / Brandon Vickerd(漢密爾頓)

Alouette by Brandon Vickerd (Hamilton)


Alouette consists of a replica of the 1962 Canadian satellite Alouette-1, installed as if it has crash landed into a parked sedan. The Alouette project is a metaphor for the unfulfilled promise of a future of scientific advancement once heralded by modernism. The sleek futuristic design of the crashed satellite, resting lifelessly on the crushed car, evokes a modern-day Icarus whose blind faith in technology led to his swift demise, sending him falling back to earth.

快樂的漂流者 / Demers-Mesnard(魁北克)

Happy Castaways by Demers-Mesnard (Quebec)

在魁北克Bassin Louise的港口漂浮著一座神秘的島嶼,島上居住著各種各樣離奇的植物和動物,這是一個遠(yuǎn)離陸地的奇妙綠洲??鞓返钠髡呷找拐玖⒃谒麄兊膷u上,邀請人們進入他們和諧而平靜的夢境。

In the Bassin Louise section of Quebec City’s port lies a mysterious floating island inhabited by a diverse, surreal cast of plants and animals—a fantastic oasis that appears to have broken off from a distant land mass and drifted to our shores along with its outlandish ecosystem. Day and night, The Happy Castaways stand on their island, inviting us to join them in a shared dream of a world more harmonious and peaceful than this one.
